Nina Bodenhorst, the 26-year-old founder and designer of Niyona, clearly understands the power of bags. She launched her own label in November last year, determined to make something that could satisfy her personal taste, as well as reflect the design heritage of Belgium, where she creates and produces her line: “It was important for me to have my own brand, but I felt strongly about having it made in Belgium.
Nowadays, most bag companies outsource their production elsewhere in order to reduce costs, but I really wanted Niyona to go back to craft and artisanship, which are two core values for me” With a background in Industrial Design – Bodenhorst graduated in 2007 from the prestigious Ecole de la Cambre in Brussels – and an internship at Delvaux, she quickly understood that making bags was her thing. Still, a desire for practicality and functional features were essential to her vision:
We started out with two styles, which were based around this idea of being able to carry shoes or clothes into your own bag. We added a zipped compartment, where you could always store a comfortable pair of ballerinas if you got tired of walking in high heels all day. I remember going to Paris during Fashion Week and made a quick stop at Printemps and Galeries Lafayette to see what accessory brands they had. Sales assistants kept stopping us asking where our bags were from and I realised there was a potential to turn my passion into a brand.
There's something bubbly and inspiring about Bodenhorst's personality, giving her bags presence and character. She's good at communicating what she believes in, defending honesty rather than seduction: “I'm aware that my bags may not be loved by everyone, but they're really close to my heart and seem to provoke a strong reaction. I just want to keep on evolving as a designer and refine my perspective on accessories. Possibilities with bags are endless, making them exciting items to work with.”
Philippe Pourhashemi | TribaSpace
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